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Mahindra has launched the Supro ambulance in two variants, LX and ZX and is based on the Mahindra Supro van.
The Supro ambulance, the company says, was developed fully in-house. The first batch of the Supro ambulance has been produced exclusively for the Maharashtra government to meet the ambulance requirements in their fight against Coronavirus.
According to Veejay Nakra, CEO – Automotive Division, Mahindra & Mahindra, said, “We are delighted to partner with the government of Maharashtra in their efforts to fight the pandemic. The first batch of 12 vehicles have been produced in record time and delivered to them already. Several other government organisations, NGOs and corporates have also shown an active interest in procuring the Supro ambulance. Hence, we are quickly ramping up the capacity to add this growing demand. This is the most affordable solution fitted with all necessary equipment and complying to all norms,” added Nakra.
In terms of essentials, the Supro comes factory fitted with things like a foldable stretcher cum trolley,medical kit box, provision for oxygen cylinder, announcement system, internal lighting, fire extinguisher and flame resistant interiors. The ambulance also gets a beacon light, retro-reflective decals and 75 percent frosted windows.
Just like the Supro van, the Supro ambulance is powered by a BS-VI compliant 909cc diesel engine that produces 47 PS and 100 Nm of torque and is mated to a 5-speed manual gearbox.
“As a caring and responsible corporate citizen, Mahindra wants to enable people to rise by driving positive change in their lives. The launch of Supro ambulance to support medical caretakers to move people safely and in time is a clear testimony of this philosophy. This is one more step by Mahindra to fight the pandemic, in addition to the manufacturing of face shields, ventilators and sanitisers,” Nakra added.
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