NHS waiting guidelines are regularly being breached
Hospital services in Hull have been laid bare as shocking new figures show patients stuck on trolleys and in ambulances much longer than the target times laid out in NHS guidelines.
It confirms what some are describing as a perfect storm of problems sweeping through a health service still reeling from the continuing impact of the Covid pandemic. Mounting pressures include a lack of bed space amid continuing isolation measures to stop the spread of the virus combined with delays in admitting and discharging patients and an unprecedented backlog in waiting times for life-threatening conditions such as cancer.
In the most serious case, one person waited nearly 24-and-a-half hours on a trolley after arriving in the emergency department before being officially admitted for treatment. Hospital trusts are fined for every trolley wait recorded over 12 hours.
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In March, the Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, which runs Hull Royal Infirmary and Castle Hill Hospital, recorded a staggering 154 12-hour trolley breaches – the equivalent of just under five breaches a day – with the longest individual wait being 24 hours and 24 minutes. In one weekend alone there were 30 breaches of the 12-hour limit.
Hospital bosses say a national change in the way 12-hour trolley waits are defined is the reason for an increase in the number of breaches. However, they mirror similar problems elsewhere in the acute care system.
The figures for March also reveal patients arriving by ambulance after blue light emergency call-out suffering lengthy waits in the vehicle after reaching Hull Royal Infirmary because of a lack of capacity in the emergency department. During the month, there were 507 ambulance handovers which took more than an hour to complete.
The NHS standard contract, which sets terms and conditions for the delivery of all of NHS England's clinical services, says all handovers of patients between ambulances and A&E must take place within 15 minutes, with none taking more than 30 minutes. Under the contract, the clock begins when an ambulance arrives outside an A&E department and stops when a clinical handover has been fully completed to A&E staff.
But, like most hospital trusts across the country, Hull is struggling to get anywhere near those targets. The total of 507 handovers taking 60 minutes or more made up just over a quarter of all the emergency ambulance arrivals at Hull Royal Infirmary during March. A recent trust board report described it as a "significant deterioration" from the position in January when 15 percent of ambulance handovers went over the 60-minute mark.
Amublance handovers in Hull are second-longest in Yorkshire
Yorkshire Ambulance Service, which operates the 999 service in Hull and the East Riding, says Hull currently has the second-longest hospital handover times in the whole of the Yorkshire region. In March, its ambulances recorded a total of 1,225 "lost hours" parked up outside HRI waiting to complete patient handovers when they could have been out on the road responding to calls.
Hull Live can also reveal the problems at the hospital's front door have been exacerbated by the recent closure of an urgent treatment centre within Hull Royal's emergency department. It opened last year with the aim of using GPs to see patients who were not in immediate need of emergency treatment.
However, according to hospital trust board minutes, the service contractor Hull Community Health Partnership, "could not release and locate sufficient numbers of GPs to sustain the service". As a result, a nursing triage system has been re-introduced by the trust.
Ellen Ryabov, chief operating officer for Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust said: "The effect of Covid-19 on hospital services has been complex and far-reaching. Staff absence and staff redeployment linked to the pandemic, coupled with more patients now feeling able to come forward to seek help, are among the factors which have seen demand for both urgent and elective care grow substantially and we have been experiencing pressure in these areas for some time now.
"This is not the position we would like to be in. We are mindful of the impact any delays have on patient experience and we are working hard to ensure patients receive the best possible care in spite of these challenges.
"One way in which we sought to manage demand within urgent care services at the end of last year was to pilot an urgent treatment centre within our Emergency Department in partnership with CHCP. The trial ran for six months, at the end of which it was felt the service would need to be delivered on a much larger footprint to have the desired impact on non-urgent attendances."
She acknowledged problems around discharging patients when they are assessed to be ready to leave the hospital were also contributing to the issues. Trust board members recently heard that 150 patients were stuck in hospital waiting to be discharged but unable to leave because no social care provision was in place. Typically, each delayed discharge is currently taking up to five days to free up a bed.
She added: "Like many other trusts across the country, we have experienced sustained pressure linked to difficulties in discharging patients and access to social care support outside of hospital.
"Performance across urgent care, including ambulance handovers and trolley waits, is ultimately linked to demands on hospital beds and our ability to safely discharge patients who are no longer in need of medical care. To this end, we are continuing to work closely with our partners in the ambulance service, local authorities, and the community to look at ways of improving flow through the hospitals and supporting patients back home or into a care setting at the earliest and safest opportunity.
"The trust continues to make good progress in terms of reducing the number of patients waiting 104 weeks or more. Those who have been waiting the longest are typically those waiting for the most routine or non-urgent procedures, however, we are aware of the impact any delay can still have on patient experience and day-to-day quality of life.
"With robust tracking, by re-prioritising these patients and offering the choice to be seen outside Hull, we have been able to reduce the number of patients waiting who would have waited 104 weeks or more from 718 to an estimate of no more than 127.
"Our ability to meet the cancer 62-day standard has been impacted by limited access to key staff in histology, imaging, and radiotherapy. While recovery plans are in place, due to the way cancer waiting times are reported, it will likely be several months before we start to see improvements reflected in our performance data."
As part of the measures aimed at reducing pressures on the system, around 31,000 waiting for treatment at the two hospitals will soon be contacted and asked if they still require it. There are currently 63,000 patients on the trust's waiting list for treatment with 942 waiting more than two years.
Unison regional officer Ray Gray said the hospitals were facing a "vicious circle". He added: "This is sadly now becoming the norm but it isn't the fault of the ambulance service.
"When they arrive at A&E if it is full they have to keep the patient in the ambulance in their care until they can hand them over to A&E staff. This could take anything from one to sometimes four hours and, of course, as long as the ambulance is parked up outside A&E it's not free to take the next call until the patient they have has been handed over so there are fewer and fewer ambulances on the street able to take calls.
"It’s a vicious circle. Ambulances can't offload because A&E is full, A&E is full because they can't move patients into beds in the hospital because there are no free beds and there are no free beds because the hospital can't discharge patients to the community because there are no facilities to care for them.
"You could buy more ambulances and train more crews but in the long run, it will just result in bigger queues at the hospital and longer waits in the ambulance because unless you provide a bigger A&E, more beds in the hospital and better facilities in the community nothing will change.
"We have to break that chain by looking at funding more care for patients in the community so that they can be discharged from hospital and free up more beds which allows A&E to cope better and the flow of ambulances to improve. that requires government funding which should include the funding of proper fair pay and conditions for the staff that do the different jobs right throughout the system. Sadly, I fear that’s never going to happen any time soon."
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