Branson resident Evan Hoffpauir said that in 2009, former Christian sports camp counselor Peter Newman, now a convicted sexual predator, called him with a prayer request.
Hoffpauir, now 34, recalled that during the phone call, Newman told him, "Things are getting crazy. You're going to hear some stuff, and I just need prayers."
Newman's call came in 13 years ago, but Hoffpauir said he remembers that when the phone rang, he was in bed watching TV with his wife, Madison. When she asked what was up, Hoffpauir remembers replying, "Hang on a second."
Hoffpauir said that just after the call ended, he told his wife — for the first time — that Newman sexually abused him for five years. The abuse experience lasted from 1999 until roughly 2003, during the time that Newman was a counselor at Branson-based Kanakuk Kamps.
Hoffpauir described the abuse as "threefold:" physical, sexual and spiritual. It only stopped, Hoffpauir said, when he and Madison began seriously dating.
"Honestly, I kind of remember being bitter about it," Hoffpauir said, recalling how Newman "withdrew" from his life as his relationship with his future wife began to blossom.
In 2008, he and Madison married.
Newman, Hoffpauir said, performed the ceremony.
Hoffpauir said that leading up to his marriage, he'd asked himself, "Who's the most spiritual, influential person in my life?"
"And it was Pete," Hoffpauir said. "And I had still been aware of what had gone on, but at that point, I still didn't know that I had been so successfully groomed in this entire process, that I still didn't realize it was wrong. I think that's something you can only understand if you've been groomed and been abused. The connection is so deep, and that loyalty is so strong, that you'll essentially kind of do whatever to keep that relationship."
Hoffpauir now says, "I hate it with a passion" that Newman performed the marriage. "We're going to try to renew our vows and do something different because of it."
More:Kanakuk camp 'abuse survivors' call for independent investigation into sexual assault accusations
On June 9, 2010, Newman, then 34, pleaded guilty in Taney County court to eight charges of sexually abusing six children in connection with his role as a counselor and director at nearby Kanakuk. He worked there from 1995 until he was fired in 2009. He was sentenced to prison for two life sentences, with an additional 30 years.
A prosecutor told the News-Leader at the time that Newman admitted to sexual activity with as many as 13 other minors. A civil lawsuit filed later against Newman stated that Newman abused 57 underage victims linked to Kanakuk. (Last year, Newman was found liable for more than $5 million in damages in that case, Missouri court records show.) Victim advocates and prosecutors have also said the number of Newman's victims could be in the "hundreds."
In early February — 13 years after Hoffpauir told his wife about the abuse, and more than two decades after he says it began — Hoffpauir finally, for the first time, told his parents about the pain that he suffered in secret.
Hoffpauir said he was in seventh grade when he first encountered Newman. They met at a Youth Life event in 1999, a decade before the prayer-request phone call.
Like other young Christians who crossed Newman's path, Hoffpauir described Newman, then roughly 26 years old, as an ideal person for evangelical youth ministry: "Very charismatic," Hoffpauir told the News-Leader in a recent interview. "Super-fun guy, muscular, real big, sporty, athletic — the guy that all kids wanted to be when they grew up."
Kanakuk, Newman's former employer, is a Christian sports camp that's been in business since 1926. It welcomes tens of thousands of campers to five overnight "kamps" each summer — more than 500,000 to date, Kanakuk says.
It also offers an all-ages family resort, along with day camps in eight states including Missouri, Illinois and Texas. One of its two main campuses sits on 42 acres near Lake Shore Drive, across Lake Taneycomo from the lights of downtown Branson. The other is located near Table Rock Lake in the Lampe area.
Camp officials reportedly rub elbows with powerful people, and have done so for a long time: In "Pure Excitement," a "righteous" guide to sex, love and dating for teenagers first published in 1996 by camp owner Joe White, White tells of his friendship with "an heir to the Coors brewery throne," Shane Coors. White described Coors as a "well-buffed athlete," "tall and as handsome as a model."
Through offshoots like Youth Life (now dubbed "K-Life"), Kanakuk reaches even more children and teenagers than those who attend camp. Many — but not all — come from wealthy Texas evangelical families. Currently, the camp's website prices four-week sessions at $4,800 per child. Kanakuk said in its most recent IRS filing that revenues topped $31.6 million in 2019.
Kanakuk plays a key role in Branson, itself a homespun tourism hub and global bastion of American-style conservative Christianity.
Hoffpauir said Kanakuk is "so prominent in Branson. Most of their employees are members, leaders, sometimes pastors at local churches. (...) They’re everywhere."
He added that the children of Kanakuk managers had, and have, a major role in the community's social life: "They were popular. They were rich. They were outspoken, they were athletic, they were the people you wanted to be, the kids you couldn’t be, at least, because I didn’t have money growing up. I couldn’t afford to go to Kanakuk even if I wanted to. It’s such a thick environment. You’re either one of them or you’re not, and it’s such an economic driver."
As far as campers and camp employees go, "thousands" of high school and college-aged students come to Branson each year, Hoffpauir said, some drawn to Kanakuk's educational arms, Link Academy and Kanakuk Institute.
"These are the most affluent kids in the country," he said. "It’s big money. It's two grand-plus to go to camp for two weeks. And, you know, some of these kids go for a month. They’re spending ($4,800) a month to bring their kid, and some of these parents have two, three or four kids that are going through Kanakuk every summer, and so there’s so much money that goes through the camp that ends up going to Branson and Taney County.”
Hoffpauir grew up in Branson. He was never a Kanakuk camper, but he said he took part in plenty of activities with Newman.
Newman was "just a fun dude," Hoffpauir said: "He invited me to hang out with him. He would bring me along to sporting events. He'd take me out for ice cream, one-on-one. I went on many speaking engagements with him. I went to California with him. We went together, stayed in the cabin together. And he spoke two nights, and I was his minor, little-kid helper. (...) Those are red flags in itself, but for some reason, it was just OK to bring your 13-year-old boy (companion) with you on overnight trips."
"It was just things that are not normal," Hoffpauir said. "That ministry" — Kanakuk — "should have caught on."
Hoffpauir isn't the only person who identifies as a Kanakuk child sex abuse survivor to say that the camp, and well-paid camp leaders, should have known about Newman's abuse and taken effective steps to stop him.
After Newman's trial, civil lawsuit allegations emerged. Plaintiffs accused other Kanakuk officials, including owner White, of being aware that Newman had abused kids years before Newman's criminal conviction.
Those allegations included incidents with Newman that were reportedly flagged for Kanakuk leaders in 1999, 2000, 2001, 2003 and 2006, civil lawsuit court documents show. (Newman, camp owner White and Kanakuk were named as defendants in that case, first filed in 2015; White and Kanakuk were later dropped from the suit. In 2018, Newman was found liable for $10 million in damages, but was later released from a garnishment.) Newman reportedly had naked conversations with campers and engaged in mutual masturbation and "hot tub Bible studies" with boys, as the News-Leader reported during his 2009 trial.
Advocates aligned with No More Victims LLC, a group registered in North Carolina that sponsors a website devoted to publicizing reports of sex abuse allegations and documented crimes linked to the camp, have accused Kanakuk of harboring multiple abusers for decades. (Notably, former Kanakuk counselor Lee Bradberry was convicted of second-degree statutory sodomy, sexual misconduct and two counts of child molestation for abusing three underage male campers in 2011. He is serving a 10-year sentence at a Jefferson City prison facility, Missouri Department of Corrections records show.)
No More Victims, whose organizers have not been made public, recently issued an open letter to Kanakuk and its owner, White. The letter demands Kanakuk admit that numerous allegations of sex abuse by people linked to the camp are true. As the News-Leader reported last month, the unsigned open letter argued that Kanakuk should agree to an external, independent investigation by a law firm.
The letter also demands that Kanakuk release all victims from legal non-disclosure agreements, which civil parties often sign when they settle a lawsuit out of court. The letter-writers called Kanakuk's reported use of NDAs one of many "intimidation tactics" the camp uses to stifle allegations of sexual assault and protect its reputation.
More:Kanakuk issues new statement on camp child sex abuse; survivor calls it 'disgusting'
Keith Dygert, another 34-year-old who grew up in Branson and currently lives there, filed a civil lawsuit that was later dismissed when "all parties agreed to a settlement," according to Missouri court records. The negotiations were a bruising experience.
"That was really rough," he said. "That was like a solid eight hours we're in mediation, just like, zero empathy or respect for us from the Kanakuk side, just downplaying everything that happened, lowballing us on the settlement figure."
Dygert said he wanted to take the case to the public courts, but the settlement process had taken an "unbelievably enormous toll" on a family member "who was really struggling with her mental health." The Dygerts settled. Dygert said he signed a non-disclosure agreement with Kanakuk.
Dygert and Hoffpauir became friends in middle school, and both said that in the years since, each was often the only other confidant available.
Dygert said he met Newman in a Branson public school lunchroom. He was 13. Newman was in his mid-20s.
"They were mostly promoting Youth Life at that time," Dygert said, referencing the religious youth group that Kanakuk now calls "K-Life."
"He came in the lunchroom," Dygert said. "They're going to different tables. He wrote his phone number on my hand and said, 'Hey, let's hang out sometime.' So I started going to Youth Life, hanging out with Pete."
Later, while Newman worked at one of Kanakuk's overnight camps, Dygert visited him on the job. He also hung out with Newman "just in town." They went on fall and summer retreats, too. He saw Newman as a "very popular guy," well-liked, a "powerful, motivated, enthusiastic speaker," a "superstar."
Like Hoffpauir, Dygert says he accompanied Newman on speaking engagement trips linked to Kanakuk. He also went on father-son retreats with Newman. "Pretty much any chance I could get, I was trying to hang out with him," Dygert said. Dygert helped out around the camp and eventually served as a Kanakuk counselor himself, for four years.
The attention he got from Newman felt like "you've got this really special thing," Dygert told the News-Leader. "I don't think I really questioned why, I was just kind of flattered by it."
"A lot of times he called me by my last name," Dygert said. "'Dygert, you're one of my best friends. I feel like I can tell you anything.'"
He added, "Now, looking back, I know no grown man should be hanging out with a little kid like that."
The abuse itself began in a relatively "minimal" way, Dygert said. His parents sent him to what they thought was a group sleepover in a gym known as "Barn 13" on the Kanakuk campus. But only he and Newman were present, he now recalls.
"We're getting ready to go to bed and I look over and all of a sudden, he's got an erection under the blanket," Dygert said. Newman called it a "circus tent," Dygert said.
"He, like, challenged me," Dygert said. "He was very macho, manly, like, tough, in a way. And like, competitive. And so he's like, how big is your circus tent? Can you make a circus tent? So that's how it started out."
Newman had other suggestions that same night, Dygert said: Dunking a basketball naked from a gymnastics board, for example. "Dorking around" was how he referred to this kind of activity, Dygert and Hoffpauir said.
Dygert said that night, Newman eventually "wanted to tie a string on each other's penises. And at that point, I was like, OK, this is weird. And I told him, 'I don't feel comfortable with that.'"
According to the civil lawsuit Dygert later filed, these and other abusive behaviors by Newman, including mutual masturbation, continued for "several years." After 2005, when he was roughly 18, he no longer participated "in Kanakuk programs on Kanakuk property," according to a court filing.
On that first night of abuse, Dygert said Newman told him, "'This would be one of the best bonding things we could do.' Like, 'This would take our relationship to the next level.' Just really screwed-up stuff."
"Bonding" was just one of the justifications Dygert and Hoffpauir say that Newman offered for his abuse.
"His logic was like, it's OK to masturbate," Hoffpauir explained. "It's OK to have that urge and feel it and act upon it, as long as you're not lusting. So he would say you could do things like sing a worship song while you're masturbating, or you could quote Scripture while masturbating, or you could just not think of women."
Hoffpauir characterized this line of thinking as "just kind of a toxic purity culture."
"When that was normalized, when masturbation was kind of an inroad to what he wanted to do with boys, (...) To me, he kind of made everything else OK," Hoffpauir said. He added that Newman "already established in my brain that this masturbation stuff was not wrong, because I wasn't lusting. And since he's a guy, I mean, that's what he would say, like, 'We're just guys, we're not gay. So this isn't sexual.'"
Newman's logic reflects sexual best practices suggested by Kanakuk's owner, Joe White, as White explicitly outlined in the first edition of his teen manual for "sex, love and dating," titled "Pure Excitement."
"The issue of right and wrong with masturbation is the issue of lust," White wrote in his '90s-era book for Christian youth, published in connection with a fundamentalist church nonprofit, Focus on the Family. "The sin is what goes on in the mind."
In the book, White characterized masturbating as "a release for a boy when his hormones get 'too hot to handle.' It's like a pop-off valve on the water heater." White wrote, "It's definitely a mess and a last-resort measure — not the way it was intended to function, but better than a major explosion."
When Dygert and Hoffpauir's families learned of the abuse, it caused them to be "damaged from the inside," in the words of Dygert's civil lawsuit papers.
Hoffpauir said his mother, who only learned about his abuse experience in early February, "is doing awful."
"She, it's horrible," he told the News-Leader. "She's not doing well. She's blaming herself. She's blaming anyone else she can find. She's blaming other parents for not saying things, but they didn't even know. She's just, she's trying to figure it out. Every time we talk, she cries about it."
Hoffpauir said he's trying to be supportive. "I'm just saying (to her), you cannot blame other people. There's no one to blame but Pete and Kanakuk. And so you cannot blame yourself."
Dygert's family learned about the abuse around 2010, the year Newman was convicted and sentenced to life in state prison.
"We were at a birthday dinner, just our family, and it came out," Dygert said. Years before, when he was a child, Newman had "wanted me to come to a sleepover event," Dygert said. It might have been the first time he was abused; he can't remember. His mother resisted the idea, but "eventually," Dygert said, she checked with "one of my friends' parents who had known Pete longer. And they vouched for Pete."
Dygert added that his mother thought "she was upfront with Pete and protective, and she thought that's why nothing had ever happened to me. And she looked at me (at the birthday dinner). She's like, 'Right, Keith? Nothing happened to you?' And I just didn't answer. And then the dominoes started to fall. And she realized, oh no, something had happened. That just destroyed her, and my family was shocked."
Dygert's wife, Chelsea, "is very passionate and has a lot of righteous indignation about what Kanakuk has allowed to happen, and how they've covered it up and continue to cover up their negligence," he said.
Dygert and Hoffpauir said they discussed their abuse with a licensed professional counselor, Branson-based Joey Staples, though not at first.
"We took off," Hoffpauir said, referencing himself and his wife, Madison. "We graduated college, we spent about 10 years away from Branson, just being free and clear of everything this town has to offer. (...) I didn't even want to think about my past. I stuffed it. I didn't talk to anyone. I talked to Keith."
Dygert referred Hoffpauir — then living overseas — to Staples, who talked to Hoffpauir using the Skype app.
"I remember asking, I don't really know who's paying, like I don't have money to pay for this," Hoffpauir said. "And the counselor was like, the camp's reaching out to victims, and don't worry about that."
Hoffpauir said he does not know who funded the counseling by Staples. "All I know is, he said, 'Don't worry about it.'"
They talked regularly for nine years, Hoffpauir said, from 2012 until September of 2021. "I would say it was helpful for the first year or so, because I was able to just express my thoughts and feelings with someone who I at that time trusted."
Later, Hoffpauir said the sessions with Staples "deteriorated."
"It's just, 'how's it going?'" he recalled. "'Cool. OK, talk to you later. How's your family? Great. OK, I'll pray for you. OK, bye.' And it no longer felt like counseling."
Without success, the News-Leader attempted to reach Staples for comment several times before publication of this report. The News-Leader left three detailed voicemails on the phone line linked to Staples' Branson-area counseling practice. A reporter attempted calls to four phone numbers linked to Staples in public records databases. The newspaper left a voicemail for Staples at First Baptist Church, of Branson, where Staples serves as family life pastor.
The newspaper also emailed Staples through a general inbox at First Baptist Church and tried to make contact with Staples though the church's Facebook inbox, as well as through an email account linked to Staples in a public records database, and through an email form on a listing of licensed professional counselors published by Psychology Today.
Kanakuk, meanwhile, did not directly respond to inquiries from the News-Leader for this report. With numerous detailed questions, the newspaper recently reached out by email to 14 members of Kanakuk's leadership team, including owner Joe White and his wife, Debbie-Jo White, and followed-up with a phone call to the camp's main switchboard. A camp staffer referred questions to a general "communications" inbox.
The camp responded with a prepared statement attributed to "Kanakuk Communications," which the News-Leader is reproducing here in full, noting however that victims and former camp employees have disputed the timeliness of Kanakuk's termination and reporting of Newman.
"Sadly, Pete Newman was a master of deception — fooling family, friends, neighbors, and us as his former employer. Kanakuk will forever grieve the victims of Pete Newman and their suffering and continue to pray for their healing and restoration. We will never stop being sorry for the pain inflicted on victims and their families.
As soon as Kanakuk became aware of abuse, we took action, including immediate termination and reporting of this individual. While we are grateful that we were able to assist law enforcement in the prosecution and conviction of Pete Newman over a decade ago, we also know that victims’ pain often continues long after the perpetrator is imprisoned. We continue to offer support to victims, including independent counseling services (which are not shared with Kanakuk), and desire to help them in their healing journey. Any victim can reach out to Kanakuk by emailing us at or access several independent victim advocacy organizations such as or, which can provide access to local support services, reporting assistance, and educational resources. No victim should suffer in silence — help is available.
For more than a decade following these tragic events, Kanakuk has continued to work tirelessly to help ensure that this deeply deceptive and abusive behavior does not happen again. Our Kanakuk Child Protection Plan, which contains over 340 identifiable and measurable protective elements, is integrated throughout the Kanakuk organization and has been shared with more than 600 youth-serving organizations across the country. We are committed to our vision that today’s young adults are the Christian leaders of tomorrow, and we will continue to advocate for their safety as they grow in friendships, faith, and confidence.
Hoffpauir and Dygert said they are now choosing to make their stories widely public through the news and social media in order to help other survivors and to seek accountability.
They were spurred by a growing public awareness of controversy linked to Kanakuk that began in early 2021.
"Your voice gave me a voice," Hoffpauir said he told journalist Nancy French after reports on Kanakuk by French and her husband, David French, were first published last year by The Dispatch, a conservative-leaning news website.
Both men said the Frenches' reporting gave them a sense of validation, even as it "rocked the boat a lot," in Dygert's words: They learned they weren't alone. Gradually, they connected with others who identify as survivors. Two dozen of them now regularly communicate by text message, Hoffpauir said.
Dygert said, "We know people who've never told anyone. There are people who are suffering in silence, feeling completely alone, to the point of taking their own lives because they don't know how to cope, how to deal with it. They're not getting the help and support they need."
He added, "One of our main goals is to get the word out there to help find someone who might be listening, so that they can start the healing journey and get the help and support that they need. That's the No. 1 priority. Kind of a step further than that is holding Kanakuk responsible. They've admitted to their negligence in private; we want them to admit it in public and be held accountable. And they need to suffer the repercussions of that, to show and send a message that you cannot take this lightly."
Hoffpauir said, "For so many years, I knew (the abuse) was wrong, but I looked around, and no one else cared. No one else said it was wrong. Everyone else said, 'it was so long ago.'"
He added, "It's given me a voice and has given me strength to keep talking and realizing this was wrong. This is worth fighting for. And justice on earth as it is in heaven is something God has called me to. And while vengeance is not mine, and vengeance is the Lord's, we are called to bring about justice on earth, and that's what I'm here for."
Reporter Gregory Holman was born and raised in Branson, mostly living in Taney County until 2003. While his family's home is located less than a mile from Kanakuk, he and his siblings never attended. Please consider subscribing to support vital local journalism.