Video shows a hospital trolley moving on its own | Daily Mail Online

2022-07-30 02:30:55 By : Ms. Jane Hu

By Paddy Dinham For Mailonline

Published: 08:48 EDT, 15 March 2017 | Updated: 09:54 EDT, 15 March 2017

A creepy video that would not look out of place in Paranormal Activity shows a hospital trolley seemingly moving around of its own accord.  

The eerie clip was filmed in a courtyard of the provincial hospital of the city of Rosario, in the north-eastern Argentinian province of Santa Fe.

It shows an unattended stretcher on wheels suddenly start to drift forwards.

A creepy video that would not look out of place in Paranormal Activty shows a hospital trolley in Rosario, Argentina, seemingly moving around of its own accord

Over a few seconds it gets more intense, eventually to the extent that it crashes off the hard courtyard on to a patch of grass.

Wind cannot be behind the movement, as all of the plants in the video are not being blown.

Video commenters erupted into debate about whether the hospital was haunted or a prank was being played.

The security footage shows an unattended stretcher on wheels suddenly start to drift forwards

Over a few seconds it gets more intense, eventually to the extent that it crashes off the hard courtyard on to a patch of grass

The Health Ministry of Santa Fe tried to put the debate to bed by saying that two hospital workers had rigged up a system of ropes so they could move the trolley without being seen, although these are not evident.

Local media reported that two hospital workers landed themselves trouble for faking the ghost video, using thin, translucent string, perhaps fishing line, to move the trolley and create the paranormal scene.

They were not named and the punishment they faced was not reported.

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