Saturday, 13 August 2022 | 14.1°C Dublin
The man being lifted to the helicopter.
A man aged in his early fifties was airlifted to University Hospital Waterford yesterday evening (Tuesday) having suffered a serious fall at his home.
T he National Ambulance Service rushed to the scene of the incident at Ballytrent, Kilrane, just before 6.30 p.m. yesterday evening. Upon their arrival at the scene, it was quickly established that the man had sustained relatively serious injuries and the assistance of the Coast Guard helicopter would be required to bring him to Waterford.
Rescue 117 were quick to respond and landed in a field near the man’s home. He was strapped up and transferred into the helicopter on a stretcher and brought to University Hospital Waterford where, despite seemingly suffering a number of broken bones and injuries to his head, he is expected to make a full recovery.
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