STAMFORD, CT — The Stamford Downtown Special Services District is now accepting applications for its upcoming outdoor sculpture exhibit titled "Duck, Duck, Goose! in Stamford Downtown," as part of the city's Art in Public Places initiative.
The interactive sculpture exhibit, similar to past exhibits like Space Invasion, Dinosaurs Rule and Horsin’ Around, will feature artists, through a juried selection process, who will paint and decorate 24 fiberglass ducks that will be displayed throughout Stamford Downtown from June through August. Egg Dinosaur Model

At the end of the exhibit, the pieces will be auctioned and a portion of the proceeds will go to a charity, yet to be determined. To date, similar auctions have raised over a half a million dollars for selected charities, Stamford Downtown said.
Artists interested in participating in this exhibit must submit their application by Monday, Feb. 20.
For more information on specifications and guidelines for the exhibit, and to submit an application for consideration, click here.

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